(cc) (by:) —vg— [filologas (platesniąja prasme) ir batautojas]


(701) Tarp kitko: sugestija komparatyvistikos mėgėjams

amaniau: dabartinei jaunumenei anglų kalba tas, kas mums buvo rusų, tik nežinau, ar jie poeziją ta kalba skaito. Bet gal kas ims ir susigundys pagretint.
Jorūnė Jonikaitė (ar tik ne lietuvių kalbos istoriko Petro Joniko dukra?) straipsnely apie Joną Aistį (buvo išsp. Bostone ėjusio Keleivio angliškoj skilty; datos nežinau, LLTI BR F100 yra tik iškarpa):
I could compare him to many poets and discuss their styles and content. The only comparison I will make between Aistis and any other specific poet, however, is to say that his style, ideas and presentations are most like those of the English poet, A. E. Housman. I chose Housman as a comparison only to clarify the type of poetry involved.
Aistis, like Housman, is not a modern poet, but his metered flowing verses are just as passionate and as true as the unstructured and sometimes incomprehensible verse of tomorrow’s bitter poets.

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